About the Author

   Growing up, my father always told us "Find something nobody wants to do and do it well." That, he said, was the secret to success. It wasn't always being the best at the best things. It wasn't always out competing with everyone. It was to find the one thing, overlooked by most, that you can succeed in and stand out.
   30 odd years later, I'm a mother. And an infant teacher. (Is that a thing??? The answer is a resounding YES!). I also go to school in order to be better at both things.
   I found the thing no one wants to do... not necessarily the mom thing, loads of people want to be mothers... but the infant teacher thing. No one in their right mind will look at you and say "You know, taking care of and teaching 8 babies sounds like a good job!" The hours are long, full of crying babies and diapers. The pay is minimal and you usually spend your paycheck on your classroom in one way or another. (Once Upon a Child employees know me by name by now.) The parents that you deal with on a day to day basis are overly protective and hyper-paranoid.
   In fact, when offered the job, my first inclination was to say no. But I couldn't. The school is amazing. It's the only STEM Based preschool in the city. I wanted my son in. But, over the past year and a half, I've learned to love what I do. I have grown to know my children. MY Children, I say with a source of pride. I am a Mama. I am their Mama while their mothers work.

   So, put that aside. A bit about me and my journey. For the sake of anonymity, I won't give my name. This blog isn't official, it's just about putting my thoughts into words. Suffice it to say, I am a 34 year old woman. I have 2 boys, 10 and 5. I've been married to my husband for almost 12 years. I have recently earned my CDA and I am currently attending college to earn my Early Childhood Education Degree. My goal is to overhaul infant classrooms and create better, kinder, environments where children feel loved and can learn. I'd like to eventually create my own infant/toddler curriculum. But that's years away. Until then, I am spread thin. I am, daily, always, pulled 8 ways to crazy. 
